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LUULZ got a new domain and new website Designe www.K-Haters.com

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After a year working ,I decided to add a new domain for LUULZ blog ,that will make it more professional and easy for the development in the future . The new domain is :

I think it easy to remember and not so far from the domain we all known http://Luulz.blogspot.com .
You may ask me what happen to .blogspot.com domain ? Oh ,yes ,it still alive and you can still access Luulz blog with this domain . All post links ,backlinks to this domain are remained ,not broken . So if you have a link back to Luulz ,don't worry about it .

Facebook for K-Haters ,oh ,I want to repeat this facebook again :

In case you want to receive update via Twitter ,please follow :
 That's all new today :D thanks for support me all the time ,and hope you keep supporting me in the future .

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